Meet Your Spirit Guides Meditation | Spiritual Guide Meditation
George Lizos Headshot by Ioanna Morfinou copy

Hi, I'm George!

You have a purpose that can help change the world, and I'm here to help you find and follow it. 

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My guides saved my life…

When I was a depressed teenager with no friends or people who truly understood me, and still deep in the spiritual closet, my spirit guides were my only source of love and acceptance.

I knew that no matter how lonely or challenging my day at school would be, I’d come home and hang out with my spirit friends. They’d comfort me, guide me, and eventually instil in me the courage I needed to follow my dreams.

If it weren’t for my spirit guides I’d still be that same timid kid, paralysed by fear and afraid to share my truth with the world. 

Do you know ALL of your spirit guides? (I’m talking more than just your guardian angels)

There are innumerable types of spirit guides that support humans but the most common ones are:

Meeting your guides for the first time is a sacred experience. 

Although it may seem like they’re external forces, they’re really part of, and extensions of, you. Connecting with them feels like aligning with the purest, happiest and most awakened version of you.

In my new YouTube video I share everything you need to know about understanding and meeting your spirit guides, and share a meditation journey you can do to connect with them.

Watch the video and meet your spirit guides here. 

When you’re done watching, check out these videos all about developing your psychic abilities:

Haven't found your life purpose yet?

Sign up below to download my FREE step-by-step guide to find and define your life purpose in a specific two-paragraph definition. You'll also receive a weekly email from me packed with intuitive guidance, spiritual processes, and exclusive trainings to support your journey. 

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