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A Little About Me

George Lizos is a spiritual teacher, psychic healer, priest to Hellenic Polytheism the host of The Lit Up Lightworker and Can't Host podcasts, and the #1 bestselling author of Be The Guru, Lightworkers Gotta Work, Protect Your Light, Secrets of Greek Mysticism and Ancient Manifestation Secrets.

He is the creator of Intuition Mastery School®, and his work has been featured in Goop, Mind Body Green, Popsugar, Soul & Spirit, Kindred Spirit, Spirit & Destiny, Watkin's Mind Body Spirit, Fate & Fortune, and The Numinous.

George helps lightworkers to find their life purpose and work their light in real, palpable ways to create positive change in the world. He holds Bachelors and Masters degrees in Metaphysical Sciences, a BSc in Geography, MSc in Psychology, MSc in Management, a diploma in Acting and is a certified Trauma Specialist. 


What People Are Saying...

“I recommend George for anyone who wants to turn their home into a sacred place. We were blessed to have him come and give a house clearing (which felt more like a house blessing!) and are still feeling the results.”

Rebecca Campbell - Bestselling author Light is the New Black, and Rise Sister Rise

“My living space was feeling heavy and stagnant, my husband and I weren’t sleeping well and the cat was crazy a LOT of the time. I purged the things I no longer needed, I smudged and filled it with crystals, yet it still felt dark every time I entered. George, through careful questioning, was able to get to the root cause of the darkness within ten minutes of us both talking – that’s how good this dude is.  

I’m struggling to find words to describe the magic that George creates in his space clearing sessions, but just know that it IS magic. Hours after the session, I returned to the house and the cat was asleep in the living room and didn’t even stir when we walked through the door, our sleep is much better and undisturbed and I actually love working from home now. George is not only a magician when it comes to space clearing, he should also add ‘calming cats’ to his job description too!”

Lisa Lister, Bestselling author of Witch and Love Your Lady Landscape

“Working with George was such a powerful experience. Our soul session provided me so much clarity on the direction to move in, and everything he shared was delivered with such love. He intuited a lot of things that I hadn’t fully been able to acknowledge myself and left me with such a strong and actionable game plan for the future. George was able to tune in to some of the wounds that hadn’t been healed yet regarding my health and we did the work to clear it. Following the call, I felt so grounded and able to move forward in my business with conviction (something which was severely lacking before as I continued to second guess myself). It was a great experience, and I would highly recommend it to anyone in need of some divinely inspired direction.” 

Emma Oriana, UK

“I’m so grateful and thankful that I followed the very strong nudge to book a past life regression session with George. We went all the way back to Atlantis, and the details and gifts that emerged from that session made so much sense, and is heightening what I have already begun and am drawn to in this modern life. George has such a grounded and focused presence that allowed us to uncover beautiful truths, perspective, and retrieve skills which has put me more at ease that I’m on the right path. He’s an incredible and knowledgeable guide who has learned from some of the best in this field. You can take a leap of faith and trust that George can hold your hand safely across the ethers in a matter of just an hour. Happy co-creating!”

Nicole Davis, USA

“My sessions with George have had a profound impact on me and I am so grateful to have found him. He is such a unique voice within the spiritual community and such a talented coach. In addition to his enormous gifts and profound insights, he brings so much compassion and warmth to each session. He truly cares about you and your journey, and you can tell that he is deeply invested in helping you to become the brightest, healthiest, most whole version of yourself. At the same time, he’s willing to kick your ass! He’ll cut right through any bullshit, and he will keep you working hard in order to reach crucial breakthroughs. Working with George is truly an investment in your highest self."

Courtney R, USA

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