Affirmations for intuition
Third Eye Chakra Affirmations | EFT Tapping for Intuition
George Lizos Headshot by Ioanna Morfinou copy

Hi, I'm George!

You have a purpose that can help change the world, and I'm here to help you find and follow it. 

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Your third eye chakra is your intuition’s control center. When it’s open and activated, you’re able to effectively connect with, and receive guidance from spirit. When it’s blocked, you doubt your intuitive connection and second-guess the messages you receive.

There are many ways to open and activate your third eye chakra. In my signature online course for intuitives Intuition Mastery School®  I teach powerful meditation journeys that I channeled at the Oracle of Delphi, to unblock and amplify your third eye chakra. Learn more about it here (the course is now open for enrollment until September 25, after which it’ll close again for six months.)

Although meditation journeys are, in my opinion, the most effective way to activate your third eye chakra, there are other ways to go about it too…

Affirmations combined with EFT tapping are a great way to do so. Although we mostly use tapping to release negative emotions, we can also use it to amplify positive ones, and to create energetic change within us.

In my new YouTube video, I guide you through a powerful EFT tapping sequence to open and energize your third eye chakra. Click here to watch the video.

Specifically, in this video, you’ll learn…

  • How your third eye chakra controls your intuition
  • Different ways of opening your third eye
  • How to use EFT Tapping for intuitive growth
  • A guided, tapping sequence to unblock your third eye

Watch the video here to open your third eye using EFT tapping affirmations.

I’ve also created a FREE guide that you can use to keep developing your intuition at

Watch the entire Intuitive Development series here:


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