I was having coffee with my friend the other day. She’s not spiritual but she’s open to spiritual ideas, and often hears me talk and teach about lightworkers.
While sipping on our lattes and planning our next beach trip, she unexpectedly turned and asked: “I hear you talk about lightworkers on Instagram, but how can I know for SURE I’m one?”
It was a great question, and one I’m not often asked… The term lightworker has become such a buzzword in the spiritual community that we no longer ask questions about it, or try to deepen our understanding on what it really means.
In her book Light is The New Black, Rebecca Campbell defined a lightworker as “anyone who wants to make the world a brighter place by being in it.”
In my upcoming book Lightworkers Gotta Work, I define Ascension Lightworkers, as “old, mature souls who incarnate lifetime after lifetime with the aim of creating a big, positive change in the world.”
Both terms give you an idea of what lightworkers are and do, but they don’t go into much depth.
To help you find out for sure if you’re a lightworker, I’ve created a simple Lightworker Test that you can take here.
In this test, I ask three questions that determine whether you’re a lightworker or not. If you answer all three questions affirmatively then you’re indeed a lightworker.
Click here to take the Lightworker Test
P.S.: When you order Lightworkers Gotta Work you’ll get Life Purpose Bootcamp (valued at £197) – a two-hour workshop to finding and defining your life purpose – for FREE! Get it here
Watch the entire Lightworker series:
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