Whenever I start teaching about the 4 purposes of lightworkers I can almost hear people thinking:
“Oh, c’mon! I haven’t even found ONE of them yet; now I need to worry about 3 extra ones?” ?
If this is you right now, trust me when I say this: learning about your 4 purposes will actually make things easier rather than harder for you.
The reason I get so specific when I teach about finding and following our life purpose is because SO much of the spiritual guidance out there is generic.
Most of the life purpose books I’ve read over the years say something along the lines of…
Your purpose is to be happy.
Your purpose is to have fun.
Your purpose is to be yourself.
And, although I do agree that all of the above fit into the formula of finding and following our life purpose, they’ve never been specific enough to satisfy my question.
That’s why I delved deeper into the concept of life purpose, searching for ways to help lightworkers get really specific about it.
(This is what my new book Lightworkers Gotta Work comes in, which includes my signature step-by-step formula for defining your life purpose.)
In my new YouTube video, I share what the 4 purposes of lightworkers are, and how you can go about finding and following them.
Watch the video here to find your 4 lightworker purposes.
Watch the entire Lightworker series:
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