8 types of spirit guides
What Is a Spirit Guide? 👼🏽 | 8 Types of Spirit Guides
George Lizos Headshot by Ioanna Morfinou copy

Hi, I'm George!

You have a purpose that can help change the world, and I'm here to help you find and follow it. 

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For most of my childhood and early teenage years, I didn’t have friends. The daily bullying, snide comments, and pitiful looks I’d get from my classmates crushed my confidence. Feeling like I was weird and different, I kept to myself for the most part.

The loneliness was unbearable, and I yearned to connect with like-minded people who understood, loved, and accepted me for who I was. Eventually, I’d found my tribe. But what helped me do so was meeting my spirit guides.

The first spirit guides I met were my guardian angels Emanuel and Josephile, followed shortly after by an acacia tree dryad and my unicorn guide Xeros.

Meeting my spirit guides was like meeting an expanded, awakened, and confident version of myself. They helped me accept my individuality and honour my gifts. Step by step, they guided me to trust in myself and others, so that I could make friends and find the support that I needed.

Since then, I’ve consciously connected with more spirit guides and I now work with a team of 8 spirit guides that I call on for different reasons and at different times.

Have you met your spirit guides, yet? If you haven’t, you can meet them in my 90-minutes online workshop here.

In my brand new, 9-part YouTube video series I’ll share with you how to connect with the 8 main types of spirit guides.

In this first video, I introduce who spirit guides are, what they can help you with, and share more details about each type.

Click here to watch the video and learn about the 8 types of spirit guides.

Specifically, in this video you’ll learn:

  • The purpose of your spirit guides
  • How to make a connection with them
  • What your guides can help you with
  • How to connect with different types of guides

I’ve also created a FREE guide that you can use to develop your intuition and connect with your spirit guides. Download it at https://georgelizos.com/intuitionstarterkit.

Watch the entire Spirit Guides series here:

8 Types of Spirit Guides
My Angel Encounter 🪶| Difference Between Angels and Archangels
Connect with Nature Spirits and Elemental Beings
Spirit Animal Meanings 🦉| Find Your Animal Spirit Guide
What Are Ancestors Spirit Guides?
Who Are Ascended Masters of Light?
Do Soulmates Exist?  | Past Life Soulmates  
Connect with Pagan Gods and Goddesses   
Meet Your Starseed Family 👽

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