Like most people, I first learned about the Law of Attraction via the book and movie The Secret. Since it came out, most manifestation books and teachers have hailed the Law of Attraction as the MOST powerful law in the Universe. I did too!
If you have my book, Be The Guru (BTG), open it up to Chapter 3—it’s called “The Most Powerful Law in the Universe”—and you’ll see that I make that exact claim. And yet, here I am in my latest book, Ancient Manifestation Secrets (AMS), claiming the exact opposite.
(We live and learn, right? With research and experience, my views on manifestation have changed. That being said, there’s an audience for every book, and I know for a fact there are people who are ready to accept what I teach in BTG but are not yet ready to accept and understand what I write in AMS.)
My views on the LOA changed once I deep-dived into ancient Greek teachings and realized that manifestation is a more complex—though not necessarily complicated—subject. I’ve learned that aside from the LOA, there are other manifestation laws and factors that determine what we create in life. Solely depending on one law limits our capacity to manifest our purpose and live up to our potential.
In the third of nine videos in my Manifestation YouTube series, I unpack the truth about the Law of Attraction and explain why it’s NOT the most powerful law in the Universe (and what actually is!).
Specifically, in this video, you’ll learn:
- Why the Law of Attraction isn’t the most powerful manifestation law.
- The seven Universal Laws and how they work together.
- How ancient wisdom can refine your approach to manifesting.
- Why the LOA is actually the Law of Vibration explained.
- Practical ways to manifest beyond just focusing on your vibration.
Ancient Manifestation Series:
- Why The Law of Attraction is NOT the Most Powerful Manifestation Law
- Manifest Anything You Want Using THIS Ancient Greek Philosophy
- Why Positive Thinking is NOT Enough to Manifest Your Desires
- The Shocking Reason Why Some of Your Desires Won’t Manifest
- 3 Ancient Manifestation Secrets That Will Change Your Life!
- Manifestation Myths EXPOSED: The Truth About Negative Emotions
- Forget Ask, Believe, Receive – Try THIS 5-Step Manifestation Formula
- Harnessing the Power of Your Energy Field for Manifestation Success
- Unlocking the 7 Universal Laws of Manifestation for Guaranteed Results
If you’re ready to take your manifestation practice to the next level, be sure to get my book Ancient Manifestation Secrets, teaching you a brand-new method of manifesting with the energy field.
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