Law of Attraction Vision Board (process that actually works!)
George Lizos Headshot by Ioanna Morfinou copy

Hi, I'm George!

You have a purpose that can help change the world, and I'm here to help you find and follow it. 

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Do you have a vision board? If you do, how well is it working for you to manifest your desires?

In my experience, most people use vision boards in the wrong way, resulting in frustration, disappointment, and lack of belief in the Law of Attraction and their manifestation abilities.

Here’s how most people approach vision boards: 

  1. They come up with a random set of desires
  2. Find a bunch of pictures that portray them
  3. Stick them on the vision board and forget all about it, expecting the Universe to show up and manifest them in their lives

I mean, if it were that simple we’d all be running around with yachts and private planes by now…

I’d like you to forget everything you know about vision boards, and open yourself up to learning a new way. 

There’s a better way to using vision boards that’s not ego-based, that’s not sloppy, and that actually works!

In the third of five videos in my Law of Attraction training series, I share with you my 4-step process of creating and using a vision board to successfully manifest your desires. 

I’ve used this process to create my own vision boards with great success over the years, and I’m excited to share it with you in this video, too.

Specifically, in this video you’ll learn: 

  • What most people get wrong about vision boards
  • What NOT to do when creating a vision board
  • How to structure your desires on your vision board
  • How to choose the right images
  • A daily process to activating your vision board so that it works for you 24/7

Law of Attraction Training Series:

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