When I scanned Anna’s aura in a Psychic Clearing session, I was shocked at the number of toxic energetic attachments cluttering her aura:
There were multiple holes and tears in the fourth layer of her aura with low-level entities attached to it. She had psychic daggers from people blocking her solar plexus chakra, and her auric field was dampened by residual spatial energy she had been absorbing in her toxic work environment. No wonder why she was constantly feeling drained, had trouble falling asleep, and couldn’t concentrate.
During the session, aside from clearing her aura, I also gave her lifestyle tips and energetic practices she could use to improve and maintain the general state of her aura’s health.
Like physical health, maintaining a healthy energy field is also about prevention. Unless we take daily care of our chakras and auric field, we’ll inevitably attract negative energy attachments that dampen our frequency.
In the seventh video of my Aura Healing YouTube series, I share four simple practices you can use to strengthen your aura
Specifically, in this video, you’ll learn:
- The structure of your energetic field
- The 3 main steps of auric healing
- The connection between diet and your aura
- The best light frequencies for a healthy aura
Click here to learn my top 4 practices for strengthening your aura.
Are you ready for a new spiritual journey? Take this 2-minute quiz to find out what your next spiritual transformation will be about
Watch the entire Aura Healing series: Â Â
What does your aura color mean?
Aura is Green/ green aura color meaning
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