My first passion was singing. For as long as I can remember, I wanted to sing, dance, and act. In fact, the plan was to become a musical theatre actor until I discovered that my true calling was spirituality.
(My word for 2022 is Integration, meaning consciously integrating all sides of me. I’ve already filmed 10 singing videos that I’ll be sharing on my YouTube channel. Watch this space.)
Thinking back on my childhood, I can now see that singing was just another way of expressing my spirituality.
Singing and spirituality have many things in common. First and foremost, they’re both healing. I sang to express my emotions, soothe myself, boost my confidence, and empower others, too.
From a spiritual perspective, the Universe is made of an ocean of vibrational frequencies, and therefore, sound. Therefore, when we make a sound, either through our voice or through musical instruments, we yield powerful Universal forces that help us heal and create.
In the latest episode of The Lit Up Lightworker Podcast, I chat to pagan priestess and singer Flora Ware, about the healing power of our voice. In the episode, Flora and I chat about our personal experiences using singing and our voice for healing, and she shares practical processes to help you claim the healing powers of your voice, too.
Specifically, in this episode you’ll learn:
- The spirituality of singing and sound healing
- Different ways to use your voice for healing
- How to practice chakra toning
- How to release negative emotions with your voice
Watch the episode and learn how to use your voice for healing.Â
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