Positive Energy at Home | Feng Shui, Crystals, Space Clearing
George Lizos Headshot by Ioanna Morfinou copy

Hi, I'm George!

You have a purpose that can help change the world, and I'm here to help you find and follow it. 

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What’s your favourite room in your house? Why is that so?  

When you consciously think about this question, you’ll realize that there are certain elements of that room – the colours of the walls, the furniture, the decoration, etc. – that make it more appealing.  

Next, think about your least-favourite room in the house, and all the elements that make it so, too.  

You see, our homes have energy that either supports or suppresses our wellbeing. When I was doing my space-clearing certification case studies, I’d go to houses in London to scan and clear the energy of houses. Almost always, the energetic state of the house matched the energetic state of the people who lived in it.  

Our living spaces mirror our inner world and vice versa.  

From this perspective, when we consciously seek out to raise the vibration of our homes, we raise our vibration, too. In my first book, Be The Guru, I have an entire chapter talking about the importance of using our homes’ design as a tool for spiritual growth.  

In this week’s episode of The Lit Up Lightworker podcast, my friend and bestselling author of The Healing Home, Amy Leigh Mercree, shares practices and remedies to raising the vibration of your house.  

Specifically, in this episode you’ll learn:

  • Feng Shui remedies for all rooms in your house.
  • Ways of using crystals to shift the energy of your home.
  • Elemental methods of cleansing your home of negative energy
  • Meditation and mindfulness practices for strengthening your connection with your house’s energy. 

Click here to watch the episode and learn how to create a healing home.

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