My Go-To Crystal for Energy Protection
George Lizos Headshot by Ioanna Morfinou copy

Hi, I'm George!

You have a purpose that can help change the world, and I'm here to help you find and follow it. 

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I love pushing myself outside of my comfort zone, especially when it comes to energy protection. I mean, I write and teach about it, so I have to stay up-to-date and in top form! 

So, when I was invited to teach a workshop in New York, I knew it would be a great opportunity for me to both test and uplevel my energy protection practices. While I’ve lived in big cities like London and Madrid before, nothing can prepare you for the urban jungle that is New York City. 

As expected, as soon as I stepped out of the train station and onto 42nd Street, I had a panic attack! Car horns, skyscrapers, busy streets, and people walking in every imaginable direction—it was all too much. I hurriedly rushed back to the station, took a deep breath, and knew I needed a plan. 

I remembered that I had bought a new crystal bracelet the day before. It was a garnet bracelet, and I was surprised to be drawn to it, as I had never worked with that crystal before. I could sense its stable, protective energy and decided to create a protective crystal shield with it. (I teach about crystal shields in my book Protect Your Light). 

Taking the crystal out of the velvet pouch I had carefully stored in my backpack, I put it around my wrist, closed my eyes, and followed the process of casting a crystal shield around my aura. I instantly felt my anxiety subside, and a newfound sense of ease and safety washed over me. I took another deep breath, straightened my shoulders, and walked back out into the city. 

Had it not been for that garnet bracelet, I don’t know how I would have handled three weeks in the chaotic streets of NYC. This experience once again reminded me of the healing and transformative power of crystals, and it rekindled my adoration for them. 

In episode 167 of The Lit Up Lightworker podcast, crystal expert Mart Tweedy of Canny Crystals shared his top tips and practices for manifesting with crystals. 

Specifically, in this episode you’ll learn: 

  • How to repurpose crystals when they break down 
  • Creative ways to work with crystals for manifestation 
  • My go-to crystal for energy protection 
  • Crystal combinations to manifest specific desires 
  • How to discover your personal birth crystal 

Click here to listen to the episode and learn how to manifest with crystals.

If you’re ready to take your manifestation practice to the next level, be sure to get my book Ancient Manifestation Secrets, teaching you a brand-new method of manifesting with the energy field.  

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