How often do you meditate? And, how exactly do you do so?
According to Healthline there are 9 popular types of meditation:
- mindfulness meditation
- spiritual meditation
- focused meditation
- movement meditation
- mantra meditation
- transcendental meditation
- progressive relaxation
- loving-kindness meditation
- visualization meditation
Each type of meditation has different uses, practices, and benefits, and are used by different cultures and traditions around the world.
Although I’ve tried all of these meditation styles along my spiritual path, I now practice two types of meditation. The first one is visualization meditation, and I have an entire YouTube series guiding you through powerful visualizations with the elementals. You can watch these here.
The other type of meditation I practice is the topic of my new YouTube video.
Whether you’re a meditation newbie or pro, in this video I share the science-backed benefits of having a daily meditation practice, and guide you through the step-by-step process I’ve used for over ten years, to meditate.
Specifically, in this video you’ll learn:
- The science-backed benefits of meditation
- An easy, step-by-step process to meditating
- The best time in your day to meditate
- How long you have to meditate for it to work
Watch the video to learn where to start with meditation.
Watch the entire meditation training series:
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