How do we fully let go of fear and become our happiest selves?
This was the main topic of discussion in my interview for national Cypriot TV Channel MegaOne’s morning show, ‘Ksipnisate’. In this 30-minute segment I went on to explain that fear and stress are external to who we really are, as we’re born in pure love and happiness. In this sense, the easiest way to let go of fear is to help our body remember that we’re already happy.
Have you ever seen a depressed baby? You haven’t, because there aren’t any. We were born pure, loving, happy little babies, with unequivocal trust in life, knowing our life purpose, and taking our success for granted. Unfortunately, as we grew up we lost our connection to our true nature and taught ourselves fear and stress. There came school, rules, exams, work, family, life in general, introducing various stress-factors that caused us to dissipate from our loveliness.
In this interview, I provide simple yet powerful tools and techniques to help you remember your happiness and fulfil your life purpose, among other things. Watch the full interview to learn how to:
3:25 – Let go of past hurts and start afresh
6:30 – Set achievable goals and New Year’s Resolutions
9:15 – Effectively let go of fear and stress
10:15 – Reclaim the love and happiness you were born with
11:57 – Redesign your home and office for balance and success
16:25 – Receive clear intuitive messages
17:28 – Start a simple and effective meditation practice
23:25 – Deal with loss and grief
27:54 – Heal yourself with faith and divine guidance
Click here to watch the video (remember to activate the English subtitles)
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