In my psychic clearing sessions, I start by scanning the client’s energy field to identify energetic blocks that prevent them from moving forward with their life and purpose.
Almost always, when I dig deeper into a seemingly superficial issue, I find an ancestral connection. There usually is some kind of transgenerational trauma, limiting belief, conditioning, or even a curse, that creates a blockage.
Science already backs up the existence of inherited, transgenerational trauma and conditioning, and there are many healing modalities we can use to heal it.
One of the healing modalities I’ve used as part of my healing journey has been family constellations. This is often done in a group setting, in which the therapist has people who are not related to the client take on roles of various family members to act out dynamics related to the client’s concerns.
In the latest episode of The Lit Up Lightworker Podcast, I chat with family constellations therapist Marine Selenee about identifying and healing ancestral wounds, traumas, and conditioning.
Watch this episode to learn:
- The degree to which your beliefs are affected by your ancestors
- Ways of healing transgenerational trauma
- How familial conditioning affects our lives
- Process of practising family constellations
Watch the episode to learn how to practise family constellations and heal ancestral traumas.
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