One of the most common energetic attachments I find when scanning people’s energy as part of my Psychic Clearing sessions are ancestral or genealogical cords of attachment. These are group energy cords that connect us to familial and ancestral systems, containing both ancestral wounds and traumas, but also wisdom.Â
We don’t exist in an energetic vacuum. We all belong to various energetic systems that affect the way we think, feel, and behave. Working with clients all around the world, I notice that people from the same country deal with the same fears, traumas, and limiting beliefs.Â
 For example, being Greek-Cypriot, my immediate family and ancestors have experienced recent wars, poverty, and displacement. Even though I haven’t experienced that myself, my energetic connection to my ancestors affords me their unresolved fears and traumas. Consequently, I’ve had to do a lot of psychic healing work to disconnect myself from what’s not mine and carve my own path.Â
 (If you think you may be held back by your ancestors’ experiences, you can book a psychic clearing session with me here. If you feel called to do this work for others, I’m teaching an in-person certification course this September. You can learn more about it here.)Â
In the latest episode of The Lit Up Lightworker Podcast, I chat with my friend Rachael Hunt about ways of healing transgenerational trauma and accessing ancestral wisdom.Â
 Specifically, in this episode, you’ll learn:Â
-  Rachael’s journey of reclaiming her indigenous ancestryÂ
- How to heal transgenerational wounds and traumaÂ
- Ways of accessing ancestral wisdom even if you don’t have a direct connection to your ancestorsÂ
- How to use past-life regression and subconscious reprogramming to break ancestral cycles of abuseÂ
 Click here to watch the episode and learn how to access ancestral wisdom.
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