In this episode of the Lit Up Lightworker podcast, Kyle Gray shares his personal journey of encountering angels as a child and how these early experiences shaped his understanding of the angelic realm. He offers practical advice for overcoming fear when connecting with angels and explores how angels respect our free will while guiding us. Kyle discusses the surprising forms angelic appearances can take, common signs that angels are communicating with us, and the intriguing question of whether human souls can become angels. He highlights the universal accessibility of angelic guidance across all spiritual backgrounds and introduces the Four Pillars of working with angels to deepen our connection with the divine. For those new to angelic support, Kyle provides a clear first step to invite these celestial beings into their lives.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- Overcoming fear and trusting angelic presence.
- How angels guide while respecting free will.
- Can human souls become angels?
- Connecting with angels across spiritual traditions.
- The Four Pillars for deepening angelic connection.
Click here to listen to the episode and find out more about the angels.
If you’re ready to take your manifestation practice to the next level, be sure to get my book Ancient Manifestation Secrets, teaching you a brand-new method of manifesting with the energy field.
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