Painting by Todd Yeager
It’s exhilarating to experience the way that, when you emotionally align with your desires, the universe orchestrates everything in the most meticulous way to create that perfect moment in time and space when what you’ve asked for manifests in the perfect way. I have been enjoying the random bursts of inspiration I’ve been getting for the past two weeks so much, that when they suddenly dissipated a little I started worrying and complaining. After all, when you get so hooked up to such strong feelings as elation and empowerment, you get unnecessary doubts when you suddenly feel just happy.
I decided that if inspiration wouldn’t come to me naturally I would have to find it myself. Therefore, I started contemplating on the word, finding the emotional place for it and allowing similar words to swirl around in my mind in an attempt to create an emotional formula that would allow me to find the inspiration I was looking for. I was getting warm and frisky when I got this unexplainable urge to trace the word’s origins in the dictionary.
Inspiration refers to an unconscious burst of creativity in a literary, musical, or other artistic endeavour. Literally, the word means “breathed upon.”
As soon as I read this, a wave of energy surged through my body giving me the chills. It was a subtle yet powerful shift and I instantly knew I was onto something. I started sifting through the pages reading all about the history and mythology of the word when I found out that in Greek mythology, inspiration came from the muses and God Apollo.
Having studied Greek mythology at school I was fascinated by the epic and fascinating adventures of the Gods and Godesses and I was familiar with Apollo, the God of light and Sun. Without realizing it I was inexplicably drawn into tales of Apollo’s vigorous life when the name Hyacinthus grabbed my attention. Although an unusual name I had came across it a lot in the past few months and it made an impression to me because of its rarity.
I then discovered that, apart from its use in Greek mythology, hyacinth was also a spring bulbous flower. I instantaneously recognized its look for I have been coming across it almost daily for the past two weeks, admiring it from a distance and procrastinating my desire to take a picture of it. At the moment I made the connection in my mind I knew I had stumbled upon the inspiration I was seeking for. It became clear to me that I had been attracting this for quite some time; the constant presence of the hyacinth in my life was all the evidence I needed. There was something about it to be uncovered and the game was on!
I let myself become completely absorbed into the different stories and somewhere between Apollo’s light, hyacinth’s vivid colours and a bit of inspiration from the muses I had unveiled a tale of love, death and rebirth that provided me with much more than I had initially sought for.
Apollo and Hyacinthus’ story
Hyacinthus was a Spartan prince, beautiful and athletic, lover of Apollo, god of light, sun, healing, prophecy and music. Despite Hyacinthus’ mortality, Apollo gave him all his love and they would go for hunting, train in gymnastics and other activities that Hyacinthus would then teach to his friends for which the Spartans would become renowned. One day Apollo and Hyacinthus took turns throwing the discus. In an attempt to impress Apollo, Hyacinthus was accidentally struck by the discus that wounded him on the head. Even Apollo’s exquisite healing arts couldn’t save the young man’s life and Hyacinthus died. Devastated, Apollo prevented Hades from claiming the boy but rather created a fragrant red flower from Hyacinthus’ spilled blood. In his memory, Hyacinthus was celebrated for three days in mid-summer at the Hyakinthea festival, the first day mourning his death and the last two celebrating his resurrection.
One can extract a plethora of messages and interpretations from the story. My own interpretation is fashioned by a topic I’ve been contemplating for quite a long time now – Life after death. I have always believed in life after death as well as reincarnation and I thought I had settled my disputes on the topic. However, my inquisitiveness was reawakened when I decided to explore mediumship during the Easter holidays. As a result of my own personal communication with the transitioned, I couldn’t help but give birth to new questions about the nature of life after death. Thankfully, the universe had provided me with the answer in the most creative way.
In the story, Hyacinthus’ physical death resulted in his resurrection in a beautiful flower. Obviously, Hyacinthus and hyacinth (the flower) were of a different nature, shape, characteristics, properties and essence and Apollo would use different ways to engage and communicate with them. However, despite their disparities, they were both representations of the same consciousness, spirit or soul – The same consciousness focused in a different way.
In a similar way, when humans “die,” what really happens is simply a shift in the way that their consciousness is focused – They go from being physically focused to being non-physically focused. In other words, our departed loved ones are as alive and real as they used to be before their physical death; they are just in a different state and form. The fact that we cannot have a verbal communication with them doesn’t make them less real or alive, for they are lively and vibrant hyacinths waiting for us to get accustomed to their new nature and learn their ways of communication.
The hyacinth is now aligned with the pure-positive, all-loving, joyful stream of energy that is God and we will have to raise our vibrations to that good feeling state in order to be able to have a meaningful communication with it; a different kind of communication led by our five senses. Therefore, the answers will come not as verbal words but through the hyacinth’s sensation on our hand, the buzzing of the bees caressing its pollen, the changing colours of its pedals and the thoughts that come to our mind at its presence. It is a subtle way of communication that can only be utilized when learning its delicate language. When adequately practiced, the communication becomes deeply meaningful and enjoyable.
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