Ancient Greek Manifestation Formula
⚡ Ancient Greek Manifestation Formula
George Lizos Headshot by Ioanna Morfinou copy

Hi, I'm George!

You have a purpose that can help change the world, and I'm here to help you find and follow it. 

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Do you know why the Greek gods of Olympus number no more than twelve? 

Since ancient times, there has been a discussion as to whether the goddess Hestia or the god Dionysus should occupy the twelfth place. And what about Hades? Why is he completely excluded? 

I often find myself thinking, why can’t there be fourteen Olympian gods? Why the competition? So many questions. 

It all made sense to me when I delved deep into ancient Greek mysticism to discover that the Olympians are twelve because they are part of the four-step manifestation formula of the Universe. 

This formula consists of four steps: 

  1. Creation 
  2. Animation 
  3. Harmonization 
  4. Maintenance 

These steps form the foundational manifestation framework of the Universe, and you can use it too, to manifest your desires. Each of the twelve Olympian gods fulfills a purpose in relation to these steps, hence why there’s a fixed number of them. 

In the third episode of my Secrets of Greek Mysticism podcast series, I delve into detail about this ancient Greek manifestation formula and share the specific purposes and powers of the twelve Olympians. 

Specifically, in this episode, you’ll learn: 

  • A detailed analysis of the Ancient Greek manifestation process 
  • The two types of gods and their powers 
  • Why we pray to the gods 
  • The distinction between masculine and feminine gods 

Click here to listen to the episode and learn how to manifest with the ancient Greek gods and goddesses.

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