Happier in One Minute. Here’s How.
George Lizos Headshot by Ioanna Morfinou copy

Hi, I'm George!

You have a purpose that can help change the world, and I'm here to help you find and follow it. 

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One of the most basic and widespread concepts of New Age theory is that our universe is based upon the Law of Attraction, the idea that our thoughts and feelings are the supreme determinants of our life experience. Even though the realization that we are the creators of our life experience may sound liberating at first, many people eventually find it frustrating as a result of their inability to break off from the negative momentum of attraction rooted in their long-term negative beliefs.

A belief is simply a thought you keep thinking to the point that it sinks and solidifies into the very core of your being and rules over your point of attraction. Attempting to break away from the unconstructive thought-pattern that maintains it and transform your belief system is a long-term process that usually involves taking a trip down memory lane and reliving some of your most daunting memories. A faster and more efficient way of changing negative beliefs is to not deal with them at all, but simply start practicing new ones until they outshine the negative ones.

Everything in the universe, alive or inanimate is energy and energy is vibration. The way the Law of Attraction works, is by responding to our vibrational frequency and matching it with similarly vibrating thoughts, experiences and things. Our vibrational offering is always determined by the way we feel, so that the better we feel the higher our vibrational frequency and the worse we feel the lower our vibrational frequency. In this respect, the better we feel in relation to the having of our desires, the faster the Law of Attraction works towards bringing them into manifestation.

Since we are mental and verbal beings, our thoughts usually determine our emotions and therefore, our vibrational frequency, and this is why our thoughts and beliefs have the power to shape our life experience. As a result, the more positive our thoughts are, the more positive are our emotions and the higher our vibrational frequency is which in turn speeds up the manifestation process. Since 24/7 mindfulness over what we think and say is impossible, repeating positive words and phrases in short and frequent segments during the day is an easy and powerful way to shift your vibrational frequency to something more positive.

If you keep your attention focused on the following positive words and emotions for a minute or two and make an attempt to embody the emotion, you’ll find that the Law of Attraction will instantly match this newfound emotional state with similarly feeling emotions, so that by the end of this process you’ll be left feeling uplifted and empowered, and you’ll be one step closer in bringing your desires into full-blown manifestation.

Mentally or verbally read the following words and try to feel the indicated emotion and benefit from the instant happiness that must come as a result:

Joy, happiness, harmony, balance, serenity, exuberance, excitement, exhilaration, empowerment, passion, elation, ecstasy, ease, creativity, inspiration, appreciation, peace, love, romance, flirting, calmness, security, abundance, prosperity, freedom, enjoyment, euphoria, felicity, glee, joy, optimism, playfulness, pleasure, vivacity, well-being, liveliness, zest, coziness, satisfaction, beautitude, blessedness, bliss, cheerfulness, contentment, comfort, luxury, plenty, affluence, leisure, tranquility, desire, empathy, thrill, fruition, charm, delight, festivity, rapture, wonder, adventure, orgasm, animation, vitality, warmth, buzz, exultation, triumph, frenzy, health, upliftment, jubilance, thriving.

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