At 27 years old, my life took a few unexpected turns.
At the time, I worked a full-time job in London while running my spiritual business part-time. That meant that I worked from 9 am to midnight Monday to Friday, and then spent the weekends working on my business, too.
I’d already been doing that for 3 years, which had taken a toll on my mental and physical health. I’d become overweight, developed a serious case of psoriasis, and was mildly depressed.
It all escalated a Monday morning when my body just refused to function. I’d burned myself out so much that I got paralysed. In that moment, I knew that something had to change.
Taking a week off from work, I went to Glastonbury, UK for a spirituality retreat, seeking guidance. Following a particularly meaningful past-life regression, I’d heard a voice within me implore:
Quit your job, move back to Cyprus, and go self-employed.
And, that’s what I did. In that order. And, here I am 5 years later.
Although I hadn’t realized it then, I was going through my first Saturn Return. This is when the planet Saturn returns to the same position it was when you were born, which occurs every 27-29 years and lasts for about 3 years.
Since Saturn represents discipline and maturity, during our Saturn Return we experience major life transitions, such as career changes, marriage, divorce, etc.
Think back on your 27th to 29th year. What major life changes did you experience?
Although we tend to dread our Saturn Returns, they can be truly fulfilling periods in our lives. They give us the opportunity to shake things up and experience positive shifts.
In the latest episode of The Lit Up Lightworker Podcast, I chat with Caggie Dunlop as she explains everything about navigating our Saturn Return.
Specifically, in this episode you’ll learn:
- The differences between the 3 Saturn Returns
- Practices for navigating this transitioning period
- How I made the most of my Saturn Return
- What sign and house your Saturn Return is in
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