How to Prevent Psychic Attack With Essential Oils
George Lizos Headshot by Ioanna Morfinou copy

Hi, I'm George!

You have a purpose that can help change the world, and I'm here to help you find and follow it. 

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It was December 30th 2016 when I got the invitation to appear on national TV. I had one day to prepare, and I was to teach people live, how to set effective goals for the New Year.

The excitement run high, so did my stress, and in the busyness of it all I went on national TV the following day without shielding myself. No cocoon of white light, no mantras, no protection spells. Nada.

The interview went great, the aftermath not so much…

I felt it immediately after I’d finished. My chest was heavy, my breathing was constricted, and my body felt weak and defeated. It was as if I’d come back after fighting a long and tiring war.

The symptoms all added up to a single conclusion: I’d been psychically attacked.

Psychic attack occurs when someone sends you an intense wave of negative emotion, usually anger or jealousy, either consciously or unconsciously. Just like physical attack, it hurts physically, emotionally, and mentally. The effects of it can last for as long as an hour to a series of months, depending on the intensity of the attack.

Thankfully, there are ways to protect ourselves from being psychically attacked, but also after we’ve been attacked. Although shielding yourself with white light is a popular way to remove negative energy, I find it’s not sufficient to prevent the intensity of a psychic attack.

Having learned my lesson, I went deep in meditation asking for ways I could protect myself in the future.

Nature is a masterful teacher and healer, and the process I was given came directly from the elemental realms.

In the following video, I guide you through this powerful spiritual protection process, in working with the nature spirits of essential oils to create a powerful protective shield that gets rid of negative energy, prevents and protects you from psychic attack.

After you’ve watched the video, leave me a comment and let me know: What’s your go-to essential oil to protecting against psychic attack?


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