One of the first flower essences that I ever worked with was the Sacred Datura. I remember reading about that flower online and learning that it’s one of the most poisonous flowers to consume. Even taking a small dose of it can be fatal.
Thankfully, flower essences only contain the vibrational imprint of the flowers, and none of the chemical components. So, there was no real physical danger for me. Instead, what I experienced was a dark night of the soul.
From an energetic perspective, poisonous plants and flowers can help bring the dark shadow aspects of ourselves to the surface, so we can see and heal them.
And that’s exactly what happened during the month that I took the Sacred Datura elixir. It was one of the most challenging months of my life, but also one of the most healing ones.
Ever since I became increasingly fascinated by poisonous plants and herbs and wanted to learn how to use them for healing, for ritual, and for magic.
In this episode of The Lit Up Lightworker Podcast, I chat with Coby Michael, who wrote the book Poison Path Herbal. In the episode, Coby shares various ways we can work with poisonous plants safely for healing.
Specifically, in this episode, you’ll learn about:
- What we can use poisonous plants for
- The different types of poisonous herbs
- Safe ways to work with them
- How to work with the symbolism of astrology and plants spirits of herbs
- Simple herbal practices and rituals you can try at home.
Click here to watch the interview and learn how it can help you.
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