Manifest Money and Business Without Burning Yourself Out
George Lizos Headshot by Ioanna Morfinou copy

Hi, I'm George!

You have a purpose that can help change the world, and I'm here to help you find and follow it. 

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If you’re anything like me, your ultimate dream is to quit your soul-draining “muggle” job, fully dedicate yourself to your spiritual path, and even run your own spiritual business. 

Fueled by this dream, I quit my corporate job in 2017 and have been running my own spiritual business ever since. While I love working for myself and transforming what used to be a hobby into a business, it comes with its challenges. 

First and foremost, the freedom that comes with working for yourself can often work against you if you don’t establish some boundaries. In the first few years of running my business, I was pulling 12-hour days! I’d wake up, get to work, and then keep on working until late at night. 

You see, we live in a patriarchal culture that glorifies hard work and exhaustion. Thus, unless we set boundaries for ourselves, we’ll default to doing what we’ve been programmed to do. 

After burning myself out (yet again!), I decided to deprogram myself from the hustle culture and adopt a “do less and attract more” mentality. Since then, I’ve discovered that it’s possible to use manifestation techniques and practices in a mindful way to make money and business work for you, rather than you working for your business. 

In episode 165 of The Lit Up Lightworker Podcast, manifestation teacher Amanda Barrientez and I share ways of working with Universal laws to manifest money, success, and business without burning yourself out. 

Specifically, in this episode you’ll learn: 

  • Using your energy field to become a money magnet  
  • How to connect to the frequency of unlimited abundance  
  • How to embody the Universal laws of manifestation  
  • Manifesting a successful business without burning out  
  • Our favorite feminine-energy practices for manifestation 

Click here to listen to the episode and learn effective practices for doing less and attracting more. 

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