When I start coaching a new client I usually start by asking them to tell me their top three frustrations at this point in their life.
Almost always, I give them the same solution to all three frustrations because there really is a single solution to all our problems. This solution may be expressed in different words and processes by various spiritual teachers, but its essence is the same.
To receive guidance about anything you may be going through, you need to align yourself to the Source within you. In other words, you need to connect to your Divine Self.
If I had to strip down my book Be The Guru into a single process, it would be the one discussed in the video below. This is my most powerful (and incredibly easy) process to facilitating the connection to your Divine Self, which I use daily to receive instant guidance to whatever I may be going through.
Watch the video, and when you’re done reply below letting me know: Have you every tried this process before? If not, what’s YOUR process to receiving guidance?
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