My dad never fully understood what I do for a living. While he knew I was an author and healer teaching about spirituality, he couldn’t completely grasp or accept my work or belief system.
Yet, as he went through his journey with cancer, he often found himself in incredible pain. Living next door, I would frequently visit to check up on him and help with anything he needed.
I would often offer to give him energy healing or a clearing session, but he always refused—until one particularly difficult night when he was desperate for pain relief. He finally let me clear his energy and give him a Reiki session. Within 30 minutes of starting, he felt calm, relieved, and eventually drifted off to sleep.
From that day on, my dad regularly asked me to give him energy healing sessions, which I gladly did. Although he unfortunately didn’t beat cancer, I’m grateful I was able to ease his pain during those difficult moments.
In the latest episode of The Lit Up Lightworker Podcast, manifestation teacher Sebastian Soul shares his journey of fully healing from a chronic illness using manifestation practices. One of my favorite moments in the episode was when Sebastian mentioned that even people who doubt the effectiveness of such practices can still use them to find relief from pain, much like how my dad approached the matter.
Specifically, in this episode you’ll learn:
- How to overcome trauma and find resilience through manifestation
- The “Ladder Principle” to manifesting more money
- Ways of turning limiting beliefs into empowering ones
- How to get out of your head and manifest with your heart
- Ways of choosing desires that are in alignment with your purpose
Click here to listen to the episode and learn practices for manifesting physical health.
If you’re ready to take your manifestation practice to the next level, be sure to order my book Ancient Manifestation Secrets, teaching you a brand-new method of manifesting with the energy field.
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