Guided Meditation For the Morning ??
George Lizos Headshot by Ioanna Morfinou copy

Hi, I'm George!

You have a purpose that can help change the world, and I'm here to help you find and follow it. 

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If I had to choose ONE practice that helped me experience the biggest positive change in my life and follow my life purpose, that would be meditation.

Specifically, for the past ten years, I’ve started my day with a 15-minute meditation. In this meditation, I centre and ground myself, clear and shield my energy, and nurture a connection with my inner being. 

In the following YouTube video, I share with you this exact meditation so you can practice it, too. 

Watch the video and try my daily morning meditation. 

(If you like it, be sure to save the video and do this meditation daily)

If you’re not someone who meditates daily but are open to the idea, here are 5 reasons why you should: 

  1. Intention: The way you feel at the start of the day sets the tone for the rest of the day. Meditation ensures that you start your day feeling calm and uplifted. 
  2. Energy Protection: Meditation helps you cleanse your energy so that you start your day fresh.
  3. Resilience: Daily meditation makes you more resilient to life’s struggles and obstacles. 
  4. Inspired-Action: Meditation facilitates inspiration. When you meditate you open yourself up to receiving guidance that will help you move forward with your life purpose. 
  5. Stress-Reduction: Meditation is a proven practice to reduce stress, control anxiety, improve sleep, enhance memory, and so much more. 

Are you ready to add meditation to your morning routine? 

Watch the video to try my guided morning meditation. 

Watch the entire meditation training series:

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