When you think about raising your vibration you probably think about meditating, energy healing, working with crystals, spending time out in nature, and having a good time with friends and family.
What you don’t think about is skincare and makeup… But, you should!
A few years ago, I was suffering from a serious case of eczema and psoriasis. Partly, this had to do with my diet, workload, and stress level; but it also had to do with the skincare products I was using.
The skin and hair products we use are absorbed by our skin and assimilated with our body. Therefore, they have a direct impact on our health, both physically and energetically.
Unfortunately, the majority of the trendy popular skin and makeup brands out there use highly toxic chemicals that poison our bodies and energies, resulting in skin conditions, autoimmune diseases, and more.
Energetically, the products we use affect the etheric layer of our aura, which has a direct impact on how high we can raise our vibration. A weakened etheric layer will eventually affect all seven layers of the aura and significantly lower our vibrational frequency, affecting our thought patterns and emotional state.
Three years ago, I made the decision to switch to clean beauty and skincare products. Although it was a bit tricky at first, once I found the right apps, shops, and websites, I was all set. Consequently, my eczema and psoriasis have significantly improved and I’ve found it’s so much easier to maintain a high vibrational state.
In this week’s episode of The Lit Up Lightworker podcast, I chat with Reality TV star and Clean Beauty expert Kristy Katzmann. Kristy shares SO many resources about all things clean beauty, including her favourite brands and websites.
Specifically, in this episode you’ll learn:
- The impact toxic skincare products have on your body and energy
- The difference between clean and natural beauty
- The best resources to choose clean beauty products
- Kristy’s tried-and-tested beauty products!
- How clean beauty can raise your, and the world’s, vibration
Click here to watch the episode and raise your vibration with clean beauty and skincare.
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