Is it OK to Be a Christian Witch? w/ Vix Maxwell (New Age Hipster)
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You have a purpose that can help change the world, and I'm here to help you find and follow it. 

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Christianity and witchcraft aren’t two words you expect to see in the same sentence. Yet, Vix Maxwell, the New Age Hipster, suggests that our spiritual path needs to be as unique as we are, and reflect our personal connection to Spirit. Even if that means doing witchy things with Jesus, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene by our sides.

At the premiere of my Instagram Live Show LIT UP, I got to ask Vix about her journey to becoming a Christian Witch and the importance of creating a spiritual practice that’s personal and authentic.

Vix is a Spiritual and Business mentor, intuitive Tarot and Angel Card Reader, Angelic Life Coach, Holy Fire Reiki practitioner, Celtic Reiki Mystic Master, Headmistress of Woo Woo School and the creator of New Age Hipster. Sent here on a divine mission to kick open the musty old spiritual wardrobe, Vix is all about bringing the new age into the now by making spirituality accessible to whoever wants in!

Watch the full interview with Vix to learn…

  • How to Create a Spiritual Practice as Unique as You Are
  • The Difference Between Religion and Spirituality & the Right One for You
  • How to Use Tarot and Divination to Empower Others
  • Vix’s Top Tips to Advancing Your Psychic Skills
  • How to Balance the Divine Masculine and Feminine

Is it OK to Be a Christian Witch? w/ Vix Maxwell (New Age Hipster)

When you’re done watching, leave me a comment below letting me know: In your opinion, is it OK to be a Christian Witch? Why, or why not?


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