A 1-Hour Online Workshop to Release the Karmic Vows, Curses and Contracts That Block You From Living Your Best Life

Sunday, October 27th @ 11am PT/ 2pm ET/  6pm UK 

(There will be a replay if you can’t make it live.)

Are fears and limiting beliefs holding you back from following your purpose?

Have you experienced trauma in this or your past lifetimes?

Are you ready to heal these traumas, overcome the fears and limiting beliefs, and follow your purpose fully and unapologetically? 

In my experience with working with hundreds of lightworkers over the last 10 years as part of my Psychic Clearing sessions, online courses and workshops, I’ve found that many of the fears, traumas and limiting beliefs we have in our current lifetime are, truly, collateral damage of past-life and ancestral traumas.

These usually manifest in the following:

1. Karmic Vows: Promises made in past lives in response to negative and traumatic life experiences. Oftentimes, these are contracts of poverty, suffering, victimhood, and celibacy.

2. Karmic Curses: These are psychic attacks that span lifetimes. Although karmic vows are made voluntarily, curses are put on us by other people and are usually programmed to prevent us from experiencing happiness in a specific life area.

3. Ancestral Contracts: Promises made by our ancestors in response to negative and traumatic life experiences, passed down to us through genealogical DNA. They create unconscious fears and expectations that an ancestor’s fear or intention will be fulfilled.

Karmic Clearing is an online, one-hour workshop during which you’ll get to identify and clear the karmic vows, curses, and ancestral contracts that hinder you from living your best life and fulfilling your life purpose.

Inside this transformational 1-hour workshop, you’ll get to:

– 1 –

Identify Limiting Karmic Attachments

Pinpoint the karmic attachments you have, where they’re located in your body, and the fears, traumas, and limiting beliefs they’re connected to. Identifying them is crucial, as you’ll be able to see how they’ve been wrecking havoc in your life.

– 2 –

Release Karmic Vows, Curses, and Ancestral Contracts

You’ll go on a past-life regression to heal and resolve the original traumas that created your karmic attachments. These original traumas led to a series of fears and limiting beliefs in your present life. By releasing them, you’ll free yourself from a tonne of present-life blocks. 

– 3 –

Heal the Wounds in Your Etheric Bodies

Karmic attachments leave scars and wounds in our energy body and aura, which create mental, emotional, and physical imbalances, as well as allow the original attachment to be re-created. You’ll learn ways of healing and ‘patching up’ these wounds, letting your energy body heal fully.

– 4 –

Make Positive Vows and Contracts

Having released the karmic attachments hindering your, you’ll get to create new, positive vows and contracts, as well as attune to collective frequencies that hold the vibration of your life purpose and higher self. This is a brand-new process I’ve channeled, which has helped my private clients speed up their manifestations. You’ll love it!

Enroll for just £22 ($29) now, and liberate yourself from lifetimes’ worth of hurts and traumas that keep you stuck!

“Thank you, George, for that amazing psychic clearing session! In the past 3 years that I’ve worked with you, this has been the most releasing and clearing. I felt like a tonne of bricks came off me, and I now have more inspiration to keep going, building, and growing in areas which seemed to have been slowing down. Thank you, for always giving it to me like it is and pushing me out of my comfort zone.”

Sneha Trikha


“Thank you so much for the psychic clearing session with you this week, it was absolutely incredible. I can’t believe how quickly you accessed the information and identified the blocks and energy daggers. Gosh, there was some toxic stuff! It makes no wonder that I felt so ‘stuck’ in particular areas of my life. I loved how you identified which chakras were blocked so that these can be the focus for clearing.”

Jo Blake


How it Will Work

In this live, online, 1-hour workshop you’ll go through a transformational healing journey, to clear karmic wounds and step into the identity of your authentic self.

Here’s how it’ll all work:

  • We’ll meet in a private Zoom room on Sunday, October 27th @ 11am PT/ 2pm ET/  6pm UK 
  • We’ll dive into a content-packed, 60-minute hypnosis session during which you’ll get to increase your money magnetism.

  • We’ll do a Q&A session so that you leave having all the answers you need, and feeling empowered to move forward.

REPLAY AVAILABLE: If you are unable to attend the scheduled date and time, you’ll get a replay so you can watch the recording in your own time.

You’ll walk away from this workshop feeling…

  • Light and peaceful, as you’d have shed tonnes of weight in hurt, traumas, and limiting beliefs that you’ve accumulated over many lifetimes.
  • Wiser and inspired for learning lifetimes’ worth of soul lessons. You’ll have an awakened perspective on life, other people, and your soul’s journey.
  • Uplifted and connected to Source. You’d have not only released past hurts, but also created new, positive contracts, and attuned yourself to the frequency of your highest potential. 

Enroll for just £22 ($29) now, and liberate yourself from lifetimes’ worth of hurts and traumas that keep you stuck!

A Personal Invitation From George…

Lightworker, you’re not just your physical body; you’re all the lifetimes you’ve ever had!

From this perspective, to fully heal the fears, traumas, and limiting beliefs that keep you stuck, you need to approach them from their multi-dimensional nature. 

Here’s a story of how I’ve healed a karmic vow that almost cost me my life: 

In a past life, I made a karmic vow to reject my feminine energy after I had someone stab me in the womb and kill the baby I was carrying. From that moment onwards, I vowed to reject my feminine energy and abuse my masculine energy lifetime after lifetime.

As a result, in this lifetime I almost committed suicide because I couldn’t accept my homosexuality (feminine energy), and later on I kept burning myself out by overworking myself, thus, abusing masculine energy.

Having identified and healed this karmic vow, I was finally free to find the balance I so longed for, and guide others do so too. 

I’d love to help you heal YOUR karmic attachments, in this workshop. 

I can’t wait to see you there, 

George x

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