A 60-Minute Past-Life Regression Journey to Access, Heal, and Explore Your Atlantean Lifetimes

If you’re reading this, you likely were an Atlantean!

Like many lightworkers, you’ve had one or more lives in the ancient civilization of Atlantis. It was a time when the Earth’s frequency was higher than ever, and lightworkers were honored for their magic. 

Atlanteans were highly intuitive and possessed advanced spiritual technologies, which they used for healing and to elevate the energy of the world and the entire Universe. 

Although historically, the existence of Atlantis has yet to be proven, many lightworkers have reported common dreams and memories related to their lives there. 

Here are some signs that you may have had a life in Atlantis:

  • You’ve had dreams of experiencing a tsunami or mass destruction. 
  • You’re afraid of water and drowning. 
  • You have an interest in crystals, healing modalities, and advanced spiritual theories. 
  • You love mermaids and dolphins.
  • The ocean feels like home to you. You love being near it, in it, and surrounding yourself with sea treasures.
  • You have memories or have had dreams of being a priest or priestess in a Greek-style temple.
  • You have a sense of urgency that humanity is heading in the wrong direction, and you feel compelled to take action.

In this one-hour online past-life regression session, you’ll regress to your lives in Atlantis to heal past-life traumas, retrieve your Atlantean skills, and receive upgrades that will help you follow your purpose and raise the vibration of the planet. 

Inside this transformational 1-hour workshop, you’ll get to:

– 1 –

Learn about yourself and your many lives in Atlantis.

You’ll discover your name, appearance, occupation, utilization of spiritual/intuitive skills, social connections, and family relationships.

– 2 –

Heal past-life blocks that may hinder your progress in your current lifetime.

All Atlanteans share collective past-life traumas resulting from the fall of Atlantis. By healing these traumas, you’ll embrace your authentic self more fully and fearlessly pursue your purpose.

– 3 –

Identify and recover your Atlantean psychic abilities and healing techniques.

You are all the lifetimes you’ve lived! When you embrace your Eternal Self, you gain access to the skills, knowledge, and abilities you’ve acquired throughout your numerous lifetimes.

– 4 –

Embody your enlightened Atlantean selves to accelerate your spiritual growth in this lifetime.

Remembering your past Atlantean selves will grant you energetic upgrades and impart newfound wisdom, empowering you to make a greater impact in the world.

– 5 –

Unearth exclusive information about Atlantis that cannot be found elsewhere.

Through your own psychic research into Atlantis, you’ll uncover secrets and retrieve previously undiscovered knowledge.

Sign up for just £19 now to access, heal, and explore your Atlantean lifetimes.

“After the regression my heart feels lighter and more at peace. Feelings of guilt I had unknowingly been carrying my whole life it seems have disappeared. Now, I can embark on the next part of my career, which involves healing in a more mainstream way; I feel ready and know I can be of service.” 

Linda Kay


“My visions started as soon as the meditation began. As we started traveling back, my clothing and hair styles started changing to earlier time periods. My hair was almost always in a braid or two, but once it was many ringlets. I was shown always as female in this regression, though that has not always been my gender. Clearly, my experience as a female was important to show in this regression. I’m so happy that I did this regression and obviously got so much from it. Thank you, thank you, thank you for doing this.”  

Narah Kimberly Arrington Minardi


You’ll walk away from this workshop feeling…

  • Light and peaceful, as you’d have shed tonnes of weight in hurt, traumas, and limiting beliefs that you’ve accumulated over many lifetimes.
  • Wiser and inspired for learning lifetimes’ worth of soul lessons. You’ll have an awakened perspective on life, other people, and your soul’s journey.
  • Uplifted and connected to Source. You’d have not only released past hurts, but also created new, positive contracts, and attuned yourself to the frequency of your highest potential. 

Sign up for just £19 now to access, heal, and explore your Atlantean lifetimes.

A Personal Invitation From George…

Past-Life Regression is not spiritual entertainment. It helps you create real, lasting change.  

When we experience something traumatic in a past life we create fears and limiting beliefs that accompany us throughout many lifetimes. 

Unless we identify and heal these, they’ll run in the background and hinder us from living a happy life and following our purpose.  

Past-life regression is a safe process for accessing and healing these past-traumas, so we can more forward fearlessly.  

Here’s Linda’s story of healing a past-life trauma that prevented her from following her purpose:   

“After the regression my heart feels lighter and more at peace. Feelings of guilt I had unknowingly been carrying my whole life it seems have disappeared. Now, I can embark on the next part of my career, which involves healing in a more mainstream way; I feel ready and know I can be of service.”  

I can’t wait to help you do the same during this workshop. <3 

Let’s take this journey together!  

All my love,  

George x 


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