A 5-Day Challenge with Tools, Practices, and Meditations to Awaken and Strengthen Your Intuition

September 9th to 13th @ 9am PT/ 12pm ET/ 5pm UK

In this Challenge, you’ll get to:

– 1 –

Activate and Energise Your Third Eye Chakra

Learn a powerful practice that you can use daily to surely and gradually strengthen your intuition chakra

– 2 –

Fine Tune Your Prediction Abilities

Amplify your psychic abilities and showcase your skills, by participating in the ultimate prediction experiment

– 3 –

Give Readings Without Using Cards or Other Tools

Learn an easy practice to accessing a person’s energy and giving intuitive readings, without using tarot or oracle cards

– 4 –

Get Expert Guidance From Your Spirit Guides

Connect with your spirit guides to receive guidance on how to best move forward on your intuitive journey

Your Intuitive Readings Have the Potential of Changing People’s Lives. It’s About Time You’ve Reached it!

Giving someone an intuitive reading is a sacred act. In the time you spend with your clients, you’re given the chance to tap into their soul and channel messages that’ll help them heal their fears and reach their highest potential.

If you’re a professional intuitive reader or healer, dream to become one, or simply wish to master your intuition for your own personal development, you owe it to yourself to see what mastering your intuition can do for you and your clients.

Join me to release the last remaining limiting fears and beliefs that hinder your intuitive connection, uplevel your technique, and stop depending on oracle cards for readings ­– all geared to help you be the best intuitive you can possibly be.

This Challenge is a Must Attend if you are…

  • A seasoned intuitive reader or healer who wants to drop that last bit of self-doubt, and uplevel to the point that you don’t need to use divination tools for readings.
  • A novice intuitive who wants to get it right from the get-go, by learning a proven, step-by-step framework for advancing your psychic abilities.
  • An aspiring intuitive professional stuck in a 9-5 job. You eventually want to turn your side-hassle into a fulltime business, and know that fine-tuning your process and mastering your intuition will help you stand out in a crowded industry.

A Personal Invitation From George…

I’m not your usual psychic…

I wasn’t born “gifted” nor did I have frequent communication with spirits as a kid. Instead, I simply had a passion for intuition and an incessant commitment to developing my abilities.

Hundreds of psychic readings, two bestselling books, and countless hours of researching, practising and experimenting later, I’ve proven to myself that being gifted or talented isn’t as important as having a proven roadmap and taking consistent action towards it.

This 5-day challenge is the culmination of EVERYTHING I’ve learned in not just becoming a great intuitive, but knowing and trusting that you have what it takes to become one of the best!

If you’re committed to mastering your intuition and becoming the best intuitive reader or healer you can possibly be, I can’t wait to slash that learning curve and help you get there faster.

I look forward to seeing you in this 5-day challenge!

With all my love,

George x

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