Ask and It Is Given – Abraham-Hicks made it crystal clear that as soon as you desire something, either intentionally or instinctively, you are instantly given its manifestation… in a vibrational form. The question is, how do you turn vibration into physical manifestation? Most importantly, how do you do that fast? Is instant manifestation even possible?
Having studied the Law of Attraction for many years, and practiced several manifestation techniques, I have experienced instant manifestation repeatedly. Luckily for you, I’ve combined my knowledge and experience to devise a formula that will help you, not just experience, but master instant manifestation.
Everything is vibration
To really grasp how instant manifestation works, you have to understand that everything is made out of energy, therefore, vibration. As a result, everything manifests in a vibrational form first, before it can be translated into physical reality. As soon as you ask for something, Source answers, so that every single desire you’ve ever had is already manifested in your very own vibrational safe – a virtual space that holds the totality of your manifested desires.
It is no secret that the way you feel attracts to you people, experiences and opportunities that match that feeling. The key to unlocking your vibrational safe and letting all that you’ve ever desired manifest in physical form, is to vibrate at the frequency of your manifested desires. In other words, to feel how you’d feel had your desires been already manifested… Happy!
As a result, the password to your vibrational safe is a simple, yet powerful, 9-lettered word: Happiness!
Consistent Happiness = Instant Manifestation
The key to instant manifestation lies in the understanding that, it is your dominant emotional state which determines the speed and content of the attraction process, not your fleeting moment-to-moment emotions.
Dominant emotional state = The mean of your day’s moment-to-moment emotions
The operative word is dominant, for an emotion you practice consistently is much more powerful than your momentary emotions. Most significantly, the happiness level of your dominant emotional state determines the speed of the manifestation process, so that the happier you are, the faster you manifest your desires.
Instant physical manifestation occurs when you have raised your dominant emotional state to such a high and consistent level of happiness, that the door to your vibrational safe remains consistently open. When you achieve this, everything that you ever desired flows into your life instantly, but at the perfect timing.
That means, it manifests into your life, not out of vanity and neediness, but out of your genuine readiness for it – that’s when you really ask for it!
How to Practise Instant Manifestation Now!
Mastering instant manifestation requires time and focus. Your ability to manifest something instantly depends on the level and consistency of your happiness, as well as the choice and effectiveness of the manifestation processes you use at each happiness level.
From this perspective, practicing instant manifestation is like no other manifestation process – it requires a new way of life.
I’ve practised hundreds of manifestation techniques over the course of my spiritual path. Some of them worked well, others better, and other didn’t work at all. To simplify things for you, I’ve reverse-engineered my journey to practising instant manifestation and packaged it into a step-by-step formula to help you:
a) raise your overall level of happiness fast
b) leverage this happiness with the most powerful manifestation processes and guided meditations (and when to use them according to your happiness level), to open your vibrational safe and experience instant manifestation, instantly!
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I’m in my final year of Drama School, where I’m playing the Greek god Dionysus in Euripides’ ancient tragedy Bacchae. It got me thinking—how does one prepare to play a god?
When preparing for human characters, you can research their history and psychology. But playing supernatural beings requires a supernatural approach.
This led me to reflect on the Universal Law of Mentalism, which teaches that manifesting anything involves directing your mental focus, energy, and intention toward your desire. (I delve into this in my new book, Ancient Manifestation Secrets).
Drawing from this law, I used an energetic practice to connect with the spirit and oversoul of Dionysus, as well as the emotions that resonate with his frequency, and downloaded them into my energy field. It’s such an incredible process!
In my latest YouTube video, I explore the Law of Mentalism and how you can use this practice to transmute negative emotions, raise your vibration, and magnetize your desires.
In this video, you’ll learn:
- How the Ancient Greek Law of Mentalism can help you manifest anything you desire
- The step-by-step process of Mental Transmutation to shift your thoughts and emotions
- Why aligning your mental state with your intentions is the key to manifestation
- My go-to method for connecting with the "oversoul" of emotions to receive guidance and transformation
- Why The Law of Attraction is NOT the Most Powerful Manifestation Law
- Manifest Anything You Want Using THIS Ancient Greek Philosophy
- Why Positive Thinking is NOT Enough to Manifest Your Desires
- The Shocking Reason Why Some of Your Desires Won't Manifest
- 5 Ancient Manifestation Secrets That Will Change Your Life!
- Manifestation Myths EXPOSED: The Truth About Negative Emotions
- Forget Ask, Believe, Receive – Try THIS 5-Step Manifestation Formula
- Harnessing the Power of Your Energy Field for Manifestation Success
- Unlocking the 7 Universal Laws of Manifestation for Guaranteed Results
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